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what jappened to spit tje pit bulls owners ? how dis they die

Ban Has Denver Pit Bulls Marked for Expiry

July 27, 2005 -- -- For Sonya Dias, when the choice came down to leaving the urban center she loved and the Victorian dwelling house she had painstakingly restored or giving up her domestic dog, there was no contest.

Her house is on the market place and her bags are packed, because Denver says she cannot continue her beloved pet, a pit bull named Gryffindor. After several high-contour pit bull attacks, the metropolis enacted a law banning the breed, but Dias insists concern virtually her pet is unwarranted.

"He's just a large erstwhile dork, a slobbering lummox of a dog," Dias said. "I don't see how he's a danger to anybody."

Considering of Denver's 1989 ban on pit bulls, Gryffindor would have likely been collected by animal control officers and killed. The city has been enforcing the constabulary with a vengeance since May nine, when the land Supreme Court immune the ordinance to stand despite a country constabulary barring breed-specific bans.

Already, the metropolis has rounded up at least 380 pit bulls and killed at least 260 of them, according to documents that opponents of the ban obtained nether a Freedom of Information request.

"Some of the family dogs they had in the dorsum yard and they [animal control officers] climbed over the fence and nabbed them," said Dias, who works as a loan officer at a mortgage company. "Some they came and people didn't know they didn't have to let animal control into the house without a warrant."

At showtime, Dias decided to become a criminal to keep her dog. She hid Gryffindor, hoping to be able to keep both her abode and her best friend. But that didn't terminal.

"I am non cut out for a life on the lam," she said. "I put my house on the market, establish a beautiful sanctuary [for Gryffindor] and at present my cousin has him outside the metropolis limits."

Horrifying Attacks Spurred Ban

Judging from Dias' clarification, Gryffindor may not exist the domestic dog that the city's ban was written for, but his breed meant he would have fallen victim to information technology had he remained in Denver.

The police force was written in 1989, afterward ii horrific pit bull attacks in Denver, one that killed a 3-year-old boy and another that left a 59-year-erstwhile minister with lxx seize with teeth wounds and two broken legs.

Until May 9, though, the ban had been in limbo considering of a state law signed past Gov. Bill Owens that, in addition to making owners liable for injuries the kickoff time a dog bites, also prohibited cities and counties from outlawing specific breeds. That law was passed post-obit the fatal mauling of an Elbert County woman by three pit bulls.

The city sued the state in May 2004, arguing the police force violated Denver's home rule, and in Apr a approximate ruled for Denver, allowing the ban to be enforced.

Urban center officials say that the 16 years since the ban was beginning passed have not diminished the demand for it.

"The urban environment of Denver is a heck of a lot different than the outback of Australia," Assistant City Attorney Kory Nelson said subsequently the court ruled in the city's favor. "These dogs pose such a take a chance should they attack. We remember as a community we shouldn't accept them."

Dogs or 'Country Sharks'?

According to the Centers for Illness Command and Prevention, pit bulls and rottweilers account for more than fatal attacks on humans than whatever other dogs, though other breeds business relationship for more than not-fatal attacks.

"Yes, at that place will be some who think these dogs are cute, simply I'1000 also concerned past what has happened in Denver and elsewhere when pit bulls have mauled or killed people," Denver metropolis councilman Charlie Brown said. "My feeling is pit bulls are prisoners of their genetic code. They're bred to ignore hurting and they never give up. That'south good for soldiers, simply not for dogs in urban areas. Some people phone call them country sharks."

Brownish and staff members of several others on the urban center council said that while pit bull owners themselves might be upset about the ban and the killing of pit bulls, the city at large does not seem to be. Dark-brown said his office has received more than 2,000 e-mails about the issue, but all but most x have come from people outside Colorado, and of those from within the state, about a third supported the ban.

"I don't remember the council needs to go to a chiropractor to find its backbone," he said. "The council is resolved to continue the ban."

Other places in the land that take breed-specific legislation -- either outright bans of certain breeds or specific requirements for owners of sure breeds -- include Iowa and Ohio; the cities of Boston; Cincinnati; Providence, R.I.; and Muskegon, Mich.; as well as Miami-Dade County, Fla.; Prince Georges County, Doc.; and more than than a dozen cities in Washington state.

San Francisco and Washington, D.C., too have been considering a ban on pit bulls.

Giving Good Dogs a Bad Name?

But pit bull supporters say the bans are just a human knee-jerk reaction to gruesome but uncommon incidents. They argue that the trouble is largely that pit bulls take become the favorites of domestic dog fighters, and that drug dealers and gang members seek them out for their powerful jaws and their protective natures.

Dog fighters and criminals accept bred them and trained them to bring out viciousness in them, pit bull supporters say, but they say that is non an inherent characteristic. They point out that in decades by, other dogs have had the reputation pit bulls currently bear.

There was a fourth dimension when the breed of dogs considered virtually vicious were High german shepherds or Doberman pinschers, and the popular image of pit bull-blazon dogs came from Petey, the dog who hung out with Spanky, Buckwheat and the other Piddling Rascals.

The bans' opponents say wiping out pit bulls will not put an finish to dog attacks, but volition just brand those who want vicious dogs find another brood to abuse.

"I just can't believe this is the best thing they could remember of for dealing with dangerous dogs," Dias said. "The symptom keeps irresolute. Do they really retrieve the drug dealers won't just find another dog -- rottweilers or Labrador retrievers?"

'Go the Drug Dealers'

Another trouble is that pit balderdash is not a breed; it is a collective term applied to several breeds and other dogs mixed with those breeds who share a similar wait -- a compact, muscular form, a proportionally large head and powerful jaws.

Dias and other opponents also object to the way the ban is existence implemented, because information technology has targeted canis familiaris owners who have registered their dogs, as opposed to criminals who accept not. That may be one reason why, they say, the city has only taken a few hundred out of the estimated 4,500 Denver pit bulls into custody.

"I am and then aroused with the way animal control is handling this," said Rita Anderson, a Boulder resident who has become involved in a kind of covert project to get pit bulls out of Denver to safety. "The first people who were targeted were the law-constant people who registered their dogs. I remember it is disgusting and appalling that those are the first people who were targeted. You need to get the drug dealers, the lawn dog fighters."

Dias and Anderson accept been helping others in the Denver surface area to get their dogs out, either before or subsequently they were picked upwardly past animal control. Dogs that are picked up can get a reprieve if their owners can come up to get them with someone who lives outside the urban center and swears to accept the dog.

The efforts to save the outlawed dogs have been assisted past a rescue operation, Mariah's Hope, which has and then far taken in 60 fugitive pit bulls from Denver, some of them awaiting a time when their owners accept new homes outside the city, and others looking for new owners.

"I don't take a limit," said Toni Phillips, who runs Mariah'southward Promise, in Divide, Colo. "I'm trying to stagger dogs to come in and trying to get some adopted, and I'm trying to motion non-pit balderdash dogs to other shelters."

She said and then far it has been virtually "50-50," between dogs going back to their owners and those being adopted.

"I have people who are saying 'I can't motility out, we just closed on a business firm,' or they take children," she said. "Some people just can't up and move."

Fleeing the Ban

One couple who could was Stephanie Scott and her boyfriend, who, when they learned in April that Denver would brainstorm enforcing the ban on May ix, immediately began looking for a new dwelling. Later on a proficient deal of research, she said they bought a house in Aurora and moved there about a calendar month ago.

Though they could not get out of the lease on their Denver habitation and thus are paying both rent and a mortgage, they don't regret the expense.

"Absolutely not. I wouldn't have information technology any other fashion," Scott said.

The only problem is that now Aurora is considering a pit bull ban of its own.

Scott was 1 of more than 200 people who rallied outside Aurora city hall on Monday opposing the ban, and she has been writing urban center quango members, trying to convince them that a Denver-mode law is not the fashion to deal with the dangerous dog trouble.

Her ain dog, Reily, could exist a affiche dog for why people have demonized pit bulls, and why people love them. The dog is at once a victim of violence by other pit bulls, and, as Scott says, "an ambassador for the brood," considering of her sweet, loving nature.

She constitute her v years ago at a metropolis creature control shelter, after the canis familiaris had been confiscated forth with five others from a fighting operation.

"She was a bait dog because she wouldn't fight, she was all covered with scars," Scott said. "People enquire me all the time, 'what did you practise to your domestic dog?' and I have to explain."

She had to feed her by paw for months to build upwardly her trust, and she also had to work to get her family to trust the new pup.

"The reaction from my parents was, 'Oh my God, you've brought a pit bull in the house,' " she said."At present they say, 'If you lot tin can't keep her, requite her to united states.' And there are now three pit bulls in our family unit."

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