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If I Get a Cal Grant Freshman Year Will It Continue

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Cal Grants are for students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree,

or vocational, or career training and do not have to be repaid.  ​​

​​​​​​               ​Two steps to apply for a Cal Grant​

Step 1: Complete either a FAFSA or Dream Act Application:

  • ​​FAFSA: U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents, or Other Eligible Non-Citizens:
    • Must complete and submit the online FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
    • The FAFSA must be completed and filed with the federal processor by the deadlines noted (see Application Cycles & Deadlines​ section below) to be considered for a Cal Grant award​
    • Students can e-sign the FAFSA application with their FSA ID
    • When completing the dependency questions on the FAFSA, students who are determined to be  "Dependent" must also have one of their parents request a FSA ID to e-sign the student's FAFSA.
  • Dream Act: Students who meet the definition of an AB540 student:
    • Must complete the California Dream Act Application at
    • This must be completed by the March 2 deadline
    • Students will be able to e-sign the Dream Act Application at the time of submission
    • When completing the dependency questions on the Dream Act Application, students who are determined to be "Dependent" must have one of their parents request a pin # from the California Student aid Commission (CSAC) to e-sign the student's application

Step 2: File a verified grade point average (GPA) with ​​ the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) ​

  • ​​See section below titled: GPA Requirement for information about how to complete this requirement

​​​​​                ​ Application Cycles & Deadlines

Cal Grant High School Entitlement Award: For current high school seniors and recent high school graduates

Deadline to Apply is March 2nd each Award Year

Who is considered for a High School Entitlement Award?

  • Current High school seniors and last year's high school graduates
  • Students who meet the General Cal Grant Eligibility Requirements (see section with this title below)

​​Cal Grant Transfer Entitlement Award: (For students who plan to transfer directly from a California Community College to a 4-Year University)

Deadline to Apply is March 2nd each Award Year

Who is considered for a Transfer Entitlement Award?

  • Students who plan to transfer directly from a CA Community College to a 4-year University that offers a bachelor degree in the award year. There cannot be a gap in enrollment between attendance at the California Community college and the 4-Year University.
  • Students who are under the age of 28 by December 31 of the award year.
  • Studen ts who meet the G eneral Cal Grant E ligibility R equirements (see section with this title below)
  • Students who graduated from a CA high school after June 30, 2000 and were California residents (or if applied through the Dream Act application, living in California) at the time of high school graduation.


  • Students that did not graduate from high school, but were a California resident on their 18th birthday (if applied through the Dream Act application, living in California on their 18th birthday)
  • Meet the application deadline

Cal Grant Competitive Awards: For students who are not eligible for the Cal Grant Entitlement awards

Deadlines to Apply below:

  • March 2nd California Community College, CSU, UC or eligible Private College students
  • September 2nd  is a second chance only for California Community College​ students who missed the March deadline, and who have already completed 16+ college credits and will be continuing to attend a California Community College​
  • 20,500 awards offered at each deadline

Who is considered for a Competitive Award?

  • Students who are not awarded a Cal Grant Entitlement award.
  • Studen ts who meet the G eneral Cal Grant E ligibility R equirements (see section with this title below)
  • Students who complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA).​​​

​​​​​GPA Requirement

​In order to be considered for a Cal Grant award the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) must receive the student's school certified Grade Point Average (GPA) by the filing deadline. (This is in addition to their FAFSA or Dream Act application.)

  • March 2 Deadline for GPA submission – for California Community Colleges, CSU's, UC's or eligible private colleges for consideration of the Entitlement in thefirst competitive Cal Grant cycle, or Cal Grant C programs.
  • September 2 Deadline for GPA submission  -is a second chance only for California Community College​ students who missed the March deadline, and who have already completed 16+ college credits and will be continuing to attend a California Community College. These applicants will be considered in thesecond competitive cycle

​CSAC will only accept GPAs by one of the following methods:

  • Certified by high school or college electronically.  The fastest and most secure way for a student to submit his or her Cal Grant GPA is to have their school electronically upload the GPA directly to the California Student Aid Commission's system.
  • Certified by a school official on the paper GPA Verification form. The paper Cal Grant GPA Verification form must be certified by the school if the school cannot submit it electronically. Click on this link to download the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form​  and have the registrar in Admissions & Records certify the GPA. The GPA Verification form must be postmarked no later than the deadline date(s) as described above. No transcripts are accepted.
Should your high school submit your GPA?: Students who have less than 16 completed college units are required to have their high school submit their GPA.
What high school GPA?: An applicant who does not have a high school GPA or whose GPA is more than 5 years old may submit a test score from the General Educational Development Test (GED), the American College Test (ACT) or the SAT Reasoning Test (SATI), in order to be considered for a Cal grant Award.
Santiago Canyon College (SCC) policy for submitting student GPA records:SCC will automatically submit GPAs to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) for California resident students who have completed at least 16 units and are attending SCC; or have attended classes at SCC and their last semester was completed no later than 3 years from the GPA deadline date. Transfer units will be included only if the official transcript was evaluated before the time SCC submits the GPA electronically.
Student's Responsibility:
  • In order for a GPA submission record to be valid, it is the student's responsibility to make sure that SCC Admissions & Records has accurate information of the student's:
    • Correct social security number; and
    • Date of high school graduation
    • ​Check these at least three weeks prior to submission deadline.  If either one of these components are invalid by the GPA Submission Date; the record will be rejected by CSAC
  • Students can inquire about the details of submitted GPAs in the Financial Aid office after the submission deadline
  • Students who change their enrollment status from the Career Advance Placement Program (CAP) to a first year freshman college student, must make sure to complete a new SCC Admission Application with their High School Graduation Status updated.
  • Students in the CAP Program will not have their GPA submitted to CSAC by Santiago Canyon College
Students identified as AB 540 Dreamer & Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA) who meet the AB 540 requirements, will have other data matches submitted to CSAC in lieu of a social security number,​(for example address, date of birth, e-mail address, etc.) along with their GPA by the March 2nd Deadline.  AB 540 & DACA students must make sure that these data elements match between Admissions & Records and their Dream Act Application.  ​​

​​​​​​​​General Eligibility Requirements*

• Be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen or meet AB540eligibility criteria

• Be a California resident for 1 year

• Attend a qualifying California college

• Not have a bachelor's or professional degree

• Have financial need at the college of your choice

• Have family income and assets below the minimum levels

• Be enrolled or plan to enroll in a program leading to an undergraduate degree or certificate

• ​Be enrolled or plan to enroll at last half-time

• Have registered with U.S. Selective Service​ if required to do so (males age 18-26)

• ​Not owe a refund on any state or federal grant, or be in default on a student loan

• Not be incarcerated

• Maintain the SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) standards as established by the school. Recipients who do not meet the SAP eligibility standards are ineligible for Cal Grant payment (they will not use up eligibility during terms they are ineligible for payment)​​​

*​​ Other requirements include financial need criteria and student data reporting. For more information about the Cal Grant eligibility requirements, go to​

​​​​​Types of Cal Grant

​There are three types of Cal Grant:   A  B  & C

The type of Cal Grant a student may be eligible for will be determined based on their FAFSA or Dream Act Application responses; their GPA Verification; and the type of California College listed on their application.

​​​​​Cal Grant A

  • For low to middle income students
  • 3.00 high school GPA minimum
  • May be used for a program that is at least two academic years in length resulting in an associate or baccalaureate degree of 48 semester units or the equivalent
  • Can only be used for tuition and fees

At a CCC (CA Community College) Cal Grant A – $0:  The Cal Grant A does not cover tuition and fees while attending a community college*.  However award eligibility will be held in reserve for up to two years until students transfer to a four-year college. Independent Students who certify that they are supporting dependents can receive up to $6,000 while attending a CCC.

At a CSU (California State University) Cal Grant A – $5,742: This amount will be applied towards the system wide tuition and fee cost of the school.

At a UC (University of California) Cal Grant A – $12,570: This amount will be applied toward the system wide tuition and fees of the school.

At a Private Non-Profit School Cal Grant A – $9,084: This amount will be applied toward the tuition and fees of the school.

At a Private For-Profit School (WASC Accredited) Cal Grant A – $8,056: This amount will be applied toward the tuition and fees of the school.

At a Private For-Profit School (Non WASC Accredited) Cal Grant A – $4,000: This amount will be applied toward the tuition and fees of the school.​

​Cal Grant B

  • For low income students
  • 2.00 high school GPA minimum
  • May be used for a program that is at least one academic year in length resulting in an associate, or baccalaureate degree or certificate of at least 24 semester units or the equivalent
  • Includes an additional annual Access Award amount (living expenses)
  • Sophomore through senior years the student will receive tuition and fees plus Access Award at tuition charging institution

At a CCC (CA Community College) Cal Grant B – $1,672*: Students can use their $1,672 access award as a living allowance to help pay for books and other community college costs. Independent Students who certify that they are supporting dependents can receive up to $6,024 while attending a CCC.

At a CSU (California State University)

Cal Grant B (freshman year)

  • $1,672: Students can use their $1,672 access award amount as a living allowance to help pay for books and other college costs.  Students are encouraged to follow up with the financial aid office at their school to inquire about other grants they may qualify for that can help cover the base tuition cost, such as the State University Grant (SUG) Program

Cal Grant B (any other year)

  • $7,414: This amount includes the access award amount and an additional amount to cover the system wide tuition and fees. ($1,672+$5,742= $7,414)

At a UC (University of California)

Cal Grant B (freshman year)

  • $1,672: Students can use their $1,672 access award amount as a living allowance to help pay for books and other college costs.  Students are encouraged to follow up with the financial aid office at their school to inquire about other grants they may qualify for that can help cover the base tuition cost.

Cal Grant B (any other year)

 $10,756: This amount includes the access amount and the additional amount provided for tuition and fees. ($1,672+$9,084= $10,756)

At a Private Non-Profit School Cal Grant B (any other year) - $5,672: This amount includes the access amount and the additional amount provided for tuition and fees. ($1,672+$4,000= $5,672)

At a Private For-Profit School (WASC Accredited)

  • Cal Grant B (freshman year) - $1,672: Students can use their $1,672 access award amount as a living allowance to help pay for books and other college costs.  Students are encouraged to follow up with the financial aid office at their school to inquire about other grants they may qualify for that can help cover the base tuition cost.
  • Cal Grant B (any other year) – $9,728: This amount includes the access amount (described above) and the additional amount provided for tuition and fees. ($1,672+$8,056= $9,728)

At a Private For-Profit School (Non WASC Accredited)

  • Cal Grant B (any other year) - $5,672: This amount includes the access amount (described above) and the additional amount provided for tuition and fees. ($1,672+$4,000= $5,672)​

​Cal Grant C

7,761 awards offered during the March 2nd deadline

  • For low to middle income students
  • No GPA requirement
  • For Occupational or Technical training programs of least4 months in length
  • Offers an award amount to assist with tuition and fees, also includes an additional annual book and supplies amount

At a CCC (California Community College)

  • Cal Grant C – $1,094: A student must be enrolled in an occupational or technical program to qualify for the Cal Grant C.  The amount offered can be used for books, tools, equipment, and other community college costs.

At a CSU (California State University)

  • Cal Grant C: Not an available award at SCC. The Cal Grant C award is only for students enrolled in occupational or technical programs.

At a UC (University of California)

  • Cal Grant C: Not an available award at SCC. The Cal Grant C award is only for students enrolled in occupational or technical programs.

At a Private Non-Profit School

  • Cal Grant C – $3,009: Students who are attending a year-round private technical/vocational school ($2,462 + $547 = $3,009).  The $2,462 is applied directly to student Tuition and Fees.  The $547 is an amount designated for books and supplies.

At a Private For-Profit School (WASC Accredited)

  • Cal Grant C – $3,009: Students attending a year-round private technical/vocational school ($2,462 + $547 =$3,009).  The $2,462 is applied directly to student Tuition and Fees.  The $547 is an amount designated for books and supplies.

At a Private For-Profit School (Non WASC Accredited)

  • Cal Grant C – $3,009: Students attending a year-round private technical/vocational school ($2,462 + $547 = $3,009).  The $2,462 is applied directly to student Tuition and Fees.  The $547 is an amount designated for books and supplies.​

​​​SCC's Process for Awarding & Disbursing

Cal Grant Awards


Students offered a Cal Grant by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) must have a completed financial aid file before the Santiago Canyon College Financial Aid Office (SCC FAO) processes the student's Cal Grant. This means that all the required documentation must be turned in, and a Financial Aid Analyst has assigned the status: "Awarded."

Determination of Required Documents:

  • ​If selected for Verification by the Department of Education​ -The student will be notified of all documents they must submit to SCC for them to complete the Verification process. (Dream Act Application Verification status will be selected by CSAC, not the Department of Education.)​
  • ​​ If not selected for Verification, but have Conflicting Information  – The student will be notified of all documents they must submit to SCC to resolve any conflicting information on their file.
  • If not selected for Verification and no Conflicting Information  – If the SCC FAO determines there are no additional documents required, the student's financial aid file will be automatically awarded
  • Dream Act students must also file an affidavit with the college stating that they have filed an application to legalize their immigration status, or will file an application as soon as they are eligible to do so (California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request).  ​

All Cal Grant students may check for any required documents, their SAP Status, and the status of their Financial Aid File by logging on to Self-Service​ under the Financial Aid Menu.

​​Upon completion of the financial aid file, the SCC FAO will add the Cal Grant to the student's award package as long as the student meets the income and asset ceiling as outlined by the California Student Aid Commission (see below).  A revised Financial Aid Office Notification will be emailed to the student at that time. If the student no longer meets the income and assets ceiling requirements, the SCC FAO will inform the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) to have the Cal Grant award withdrawn. ​

CSAC's Income & Asset Ceilings

Academic Year 2019/20

Academic Year 2020/21


  • The Santiago Canyon College Financial Aid Office (SCC FAO) only disburses Cal Grant B Access Funds and Cal Grant C Book & Supplies awards to eligible students
  • The SCC FAO does not disburse any Cal Grant funds for tuition
  • Generally, the SCC FAO disburses Cal Grant only ​once per semester (Fall and Spring only)
  • The SCC FAO will not disburse Cal Grant prior to the Admissions & Records Add/Drop Census Date at the beginning of each semester. See A&R's instructional calendar for these dates on their website: Admissions & Records . The policy of disbursing after the A&R Census Date is to prevent the student from having to pay back Cal Grant funds that would have been received as an overpayment for classes that were cancelled.
  • The SCC FAO will disburse funds for all units that student is actively attending at the time of disbursement (this benefits students in being able to retain their remaining Cal Grant lifetime eligibility percentage if they drop a class with a "W")
  • Within the semester, the SCC FAO may increase a Cal Grant disbursement only when the student adds units for late start 8 week classes. Disbursements for late start 8 week classes will take place after the A & R Census Date in order to reflect the maximum eligibility of earned units during the semester.
  • The SCC FAO only disburses Cal Grant for the Fall and Spring semesters​


Full-time California Community College students who are eligible for Cal Grant B & C and are attending full-time (12+ units) may also be eligible to receive an SSCG of up to $4,000 per academic year, (please see unit requirement and other details here​). This award is sponsored by the California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO).

The Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG) follows the same policy guidelines as Cal Grant. SSCG Funds are limited (in other words, they can run out); therefore, disbursement cannot be guaranteed.

 ​​SCC's Cal Grant Disbursement Table

​For disbursement dates, refer to the Disbursement Schedule.  All Cal Grant funds will disbursed through​ our 3rd Party Servicer, BankMobile.  Students must make a refund selection via WebAdvisor by clicking on "Choose your disbursement option (BankMobile)"  ​

​​​ Additional Considerations/Requirements

When Accepting Cal Grant Award Funds​​

For New Cal Grant Entitlement Awards

​​Before Cal Grant funds can be disbursed go to​

  1. ​ Confirm the college you will be attending

  2.   Submit high school graduation status​

For Cal Grant Award Renewals

  • Students must complete the FAFSA Application or California Dream Act Application annually in order for CSAC to determine their renewal eligibility.
  • Students must meet the annual income & asset ceilings as set by CSAC.
  • ​Cal Grant B students who will be transferring to a four-year institution may want to ensure they keep at least 200% of their Cal Grant eligibility for when they transfer. Cal Grant B pays part or all of their tuition (depending on if the institution is public or non-public) at a four-year California school. If a Cal Grant B student has 200% or less remaining eligibility, they should consider taking a Leave of Absence to save that award. Leave of Absences are a maximum of two years.  ​
  • It is a student's responsibility to track their own remaining Cal Grant eligibility, and renewal is not guaranteed even if a student places their Cal Grant on a Leave of Absence (LOA). A student can do this online at​

​​​​​​​Additional Cal Grant Information

Grade Level Certification

Santiago Canyon College will certify grade levels for students who are awarded Cal Grant for the first time.  They are as follows:

  • Grade Level 1 (Freshman) Completed <30 units beginning the academic year
  • Grade Level 2 (Sophomore) Completed 30+ units beginning the academic year

Assembly Bill-2248 Notification:

  • The Cal Grant award is limited to four academic years
  • A student needs to take 15 units per semester (30 semester units per academic year or the equivalent quarter units per academic year) in order to graduate within four years
  • Exceptions:
    • Students enrolled in an institutionally required five-year undergraduate program, or
    • Students with baccalaureate degree accepted and enrolled in a program of professional teacher preparation

Confidentiality:  "The California Student Aid Commission has strict security and confidentiality policies and procedures to protect the integrity and confidentiality of student records." ​​

Questions & Contacts

​​SCC Financial Aid office

(714) 628-4876
Or you can reach us via Chat
8:00 am-4:30 pm Monday -Thursday
 8:00 am-1:00 pm Fridays

California Student Aid Commission

(CSAC) (888) 224-7268
More information regarding Cal Grant:
California Student Aid Commission - CSAC

​​​ WebGrants

*Student link to sign-in to WebGrants:
(*supports PC and Laptops using Internet Explorer 7 and higher & Mozilla Firefox 2 and higher) ​

